Our Mission to help Colombian Craftswomans & Mans - Tundama

Our Mission to help Colombian Craftswomans & Mans

The origins of our project

The idea of ​​starting a project aimed at exporting Colombian handicraft products to Europe has been circulating in my head for years, since the first time first discovered Colombia 7 years ago, to be precise.

Right from the start I was struck by the beauty of local crafts, I hadn't seen anything like it anywhere else in the world, the colors, materials and production methods called my attention.

All of these products seem to me original and worthy of being known outside Colombia and especially in Europe, where they are certainly something new and innovative, while being at the same time something manufactured with old-fashioned methods. In the production of fique products, for example, the only technologies present are small electric or combustion tools that allow the Agave plant to be unraveled at the beginning of the process, and later other small electric motors that allow the fiber spinning process of fique.

At the same time, after decades where in Europe we have become accustomed to being invaded by a lot of Chinese products, of poor quality and completely devoid of authenticity, I think that products like these are what people want.

At the very moment when I decided that this was my goal, everything started to work in my favour, I met many craftsmen, competent, disciplined and above all enthusiastic about my project .

The fact of knowing these magnificent people strengthened my will even more, I realized who was behind these beautiful products, I ate at the same table and shared beautiful moments of joy and sharing with them.

I also realized how the work of these artisans is paid very badly, the products they create, is sold in the Colombian market for a negligible sum, considering the large amount of time and effort that is required for the creation of these fantastic craft works.

Our mission

With this project we want to create the following opportunities:

For our customers and friends in Europe:

  • Being able to buy high quality, authentic and above all beautiful handcrafted products.
  • Get to know this magnificent world that is Colombia, the spectacular human beings who live there, and the immense variety of products that are created and grown there.
  • Through the purchase of our articles, help the people who produce them to earn a fair amount that is proportional to the work done.

For our artisans and friends in Colombia:

Allowing artisans to open up to new markets and receive honest remuneration that helps them to evolve, in their work as well as in their private and family life.

Give the oportunity to young Colombians to come to Europe for experiences of a few months, where they will present the products at fairs and markets, this will allow them to earn the money they need, for example, to pay for their studies or to start their own independent business once back in Colombia.

To Colombia in general to make itself more known internationally, so as to increase trade and tourism and to completely eliminate the old myths related to the dark ages of the past.

Who are we looking for to make this project great?

Owners of shops & boutiques who are interested in selling our products, the list of products appearing on the site at the moment is not exhaustive, we are gradually gathering more and more craftswomans and mans from all over the territory, with the intent to have many more products available, products will range from the typical handbags you see right now on the site to household products as well as jewelry and other accessories.
By contacting us by email or phone we can give you a more detailed list of all the products that are not yet available in the website but are already available for B2B orders.

People who want to create events to present our products in their homes to groups of friends, this with the aim of making our products known in your cities, as well as for you to have an additional entrance thanks to the direct sale of our products and sales commissions generated through your work.

Enthusiastic persons who want to collaborate with us to make our products known on social networks or in other media or that wants to help/collaborate with us in other ways.


Davide Casartelli 

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